My Third Trimester Update

I have been sharing some updates here and there on my pregnancy over on my Instagram as well as trimester updates ( first trimester and mid- pregnancy) on my blog as well. But now that I am right in the middle of my third trimester, I figured it was time to actually update you guys on how I am doing and how this trimester is treating me.

Currently I am 33 weeks 3 days and 6 weeks from meeting the little guy, unless he decides to come sooner (which I really want to happen!). I think my belly also grew really fast as soon as I hit 28 weeks, aka, the 3rdtrimester. I keep looking at my belly in the mirror and thinking to myself, “wow, I have never been this big!”. But then I know that I am growing a human and it’s a miracle what our bodies can do!

Now, let’s move on to some Q’s and A’s on this trimester that I received from you guys! 🙂

  1. Any difference I noticed between the 2nd and 3rd trimester?

Definitely! They don’t say that 2nd trimester is the best trimester just to say it. Folks, it really is the best one. I had so much more energy in 2nd trimester. I felt like I could do things or take a walk and walk a bit more than usual. Now that I am in 3rd trimester, my daily walk seems like a chore rather than me actually wanting to go! Also, I cannot sleep at night! It has gotten so difficult for me got to bed and go into dreamland. I keep lying there for 2-3 hours thinking about nothing while my husband snores away!

  1. How has my weight gain been in my pregnancy?

It has actually been pretty good! I have asked my doctor a few times about it and she has said that it is where it should be for a healthy baby and should reach my expected weight by the end of this pregnancy. Although, my fingers do get a bit swollen and I am not wearing my wedding rings anymore because it was too tight. In short, I have gained about 20 lbs. more or less.

  1. Am I preparing and decorating the nursery?

I wish I was! 🙁 We are moving in a few months after we’ll have the baby and in the first few months, he’ll be sleeping in our room, so I don’t see any point in decorating everything when he’s not even going to sleeping in there. So, for now, I am prepping his sleeping area and diaper station in our room. Once we move, I’ll decorate and prep his nursery which, I’m sure, will be used lot more! But I am definitely getting everything that I will need for his nursery and you can see some of those ideas here.

  1. Am I getting any contractions?

Yes! Funny story actually- when I went for my prenatal appointment, my doctor asked if I was getting any contractions. Now, I have obviously never had any before, so I didn’t know what they felt like. So, I told her, “no, but the baby does move a lot and sometimes he belly gets really hard”. The doctor says, those are the contractions! 😀

So yeah, I am getting them now and can actually tell that they are, in fact, contractions. Like I am getting one right now!

  1. Do you have names picked out?

Haha, this is so difficult guys! We had a LONG list of names when we started thinking about it. But now we are down to 3-4 names and do have a favorite as well. But we are keeping his name a secret until he’s born 🙂

I think that’s about it for now. As always, I will keep updating you guys as I move along in this journey. And definitely check out my Instagram for those quick updates 🙂

Hi! I'm Swati Singh. The voice behind this blog and I am so glad you stopped by!

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