Mid-Pregnancy Q&A

Hi everyone! Can you believe it is the middle of January already! I mean, I am not complaining about it. I cannot wait for the next 16 weeks to be OVER! Anyway, I promised a mid-pregnancy questions and answer for you guys and here it is! Let me know if there are any questions you would like to know that I haven’t addressed and I’ll be happy to do so! 🙂 

you can also take a look at my first trimester update here!

Q: What vitamins/supplements do you take during pregnancy?

I am taking these prenatals which has a good amount of folic acid and these gummy omega-3.

Q: Were you sick at all during this pregnancy?

I had pretty bad nausea in first trimester. I didn’t feel like eating anything and I felt like I would puke if I ate anything. But it got better by the end of first trimester. I did get headaches a lot more than general in the beginning and middle of second trimester but it is getting a lot better now by as I am in the end of second trimester.

Q: Did you crave anything crazy during pregnancy?  

Nothing crazy, but I craved a lot more Indian and spicy food than usual. And also grilled cheese- I like it almost every day!

Q: What’s your favorite part about being pregnant?

Getting to see the baby on ultrasound and getting to feel the baby move now. It is so amazing to feel it move and kick.

Q: What’s your least favorite part about being pregnant?

Initially it was the morning sickness but now it is the fatigue. I am always so tired and sleepy and with work, it is a bit difficult to not get tired.

Q: What are you most nervous and most excited about?

I am excited about everything! I mean, getting to see the baby for the first time, bringing the baby home, seeing him grow and learn things. Getting to hear his first words, seeing him crawl and then learn to walk! Like I said, I am excited about everything!

But definitely nervous! I want to be a good parent, a good friend that he could talk to always about everything, provide him whatever he wants but also instill good values in him.

Q: How did you tell your husband that you were pregnant?

It wasn’t a very elaborate plan actually. This was our second pregnancy. We actually got pregnant in June 2019 and that time I did a whole video when I told him. But unfortunately, we lost the baby which was definitely devastating. So, when we got pregnant again, I knew I wanted to keep it simple and have that moment just for us. My husband was travelling when I found out and when he got home, I just went to him and showed him the positive tests. It was an emotional moment but something that I will never forget.

Q: How are you planning on balancing work and motherhood?

I will get around 10-weeks off of work. But I am planning on getting some more time since it is going to be a very dynamic working with having a baby and tending to his needs. Honestly, I have no idea how I am going to do it! 🙂

Q: How did you first realize that you were pregnant?

Since we were trying and had lost a baby a few months back, I was very anxious and extra aware of any cramps or pains or changes. First sign, if you’ll say it, was that I had very mild cramping on my left abdomen and my breasts were hurting a bit. I knew these were new because I do not get these before my period. I actually started testing about a week before I was due for my period and found out almost 4 days before I was due. I just stared at the faint positive with a tear in my eye 🙂

Let me know in the comments if you would like to know anything else! 

Hi! I'm Swati Singh. The voice behind this blog and I am so glad you stopped by!

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