How to maintain a blog with a full-time job

Guys, how is it August already?! The year just started, I just celebrated new years and it is already almost mid of August! On another note, I am going to be real you guys! I have been so inconsistent with this blog and I am finally going to do something about it. For a lot of bloggers, working in a totally nonrelated field is very common. Someone is in sales, some in tech or marketing and so on. And same is true for me as well.

In brief, I work for a tech company in their influencer team actually. But the work we do is very different from what I do here. First of all, I am on the other side of this. So, as a plus point, I do get to see how the companies decide on influencers. But then again, it is a very different field, we work in machine learning and big data and artificial intelligence, which I was not really familiar with before I started working here.

Some of you guys might be aware that I had to go to India for a few months and that totally messed with my schedule. I was jet lagged and was working in the US hours, so I was sleeping until late in the morning (sometimes, afternoon, lol). I thought it would be easier to keep up with my blog, since my days would be free, but I couldn’t be more wrong. My tiredness took up my whole day and I couldn’t do anything else.

Now, even though I am back, I feel like I am so far behind in my whole process, which makes more very sad and unmotivated to work on anything. But, I am working on getting this s**t together, so I sat down one day and brainstormed some topics that I wanted to write about. And guess what, I came up with a lot more than I initially had in mind! So, I have my whole rest of August planned, 2 posts a week, and I am making a promise to myself to get this platform back on track.

Now, I realize there are a lot of bloggers out there who are doing a commendable job and maintaining their blog with their full-time job but for the un-organized ladies like me, I am sharing a few tips that I am incorporating in my schedule to be consistent and relevant to your audience.

  1. Monthly Editorial Calendar– This is a tried and tested method which is known to be very helpful. I used to do this last year every month and if you will go back in my blog, you will see I had a very regular posting schedule. I started a new job this year, and that all just got thrown out the window. Now, I love my job! I am learning so much every day and I work with the best people you could ask for. But this is something that I know I shouldn’t have lagged in. You don’t have to right away come up with a month’s worth of blog post ideas. Brainstorm before the start of a month and keep a small diary with you to jot down any idea that you come up with. I generally use my planner that I absolutely love, but if I am outside, I just use the notes app on my phone. And then write them down in my planner once I get home. That way, you will have at least 5-7 topics in your repository without even working on it.
  2. Don’t think of it as “Work”– I know it can difficult to come home after work and then work again on the blog. Now, for some people, they really want to make it into a business. For me, this is more of a creative outlet, a way of getting in touch with my fellow fashion and beauty lovers and I intend on working my job for as long as possible. At least, that is what I have in my mind right now. If that ever changes in the future, I’ll probably think more then. So, if I start to think of working on my blog as “work”, it gets me less motivated. Rather, I treat this as my “me time”. I switch on some music, light some candles, sit with a wine and edit photos or make a few updates to my blog page and so on. This gets me in the mood and I enjoy doing all that.
  3. Make the most of weekends– I tend to get very lazy on the weekends as I always thought that is what weekends are for 😀 Also, putting Netflix on, lying on the couch just sounds so relaxing, right! But I try to get the most of my weekends by scheduling shoots for the blog. My husband takes all of my blog pictures, so there are no schedule issues here. The problem that I come across with is in the writing part. You see, I really love getting ready, doing my hair, picking out outfits, getting pictures and editing them. Editing is probably my favorite part of the whole process. But then I get lazy and put off writing a blog post. Also, Saturday evenings are sometimes busy so instead I try to write posts on Sundays. There isn’t much to do other than cleaning and groceries and we don’t have a big apartment, so it doesn’t take that much time. Write at least 2 blog posts and schedule them in the WordPress tool and you are set for the week!
  4. Stop comparing yourself– I have struggled with this myself. While scrolling Instagram, I stumble upon someone very much like me but doing a lot better than I am. This makes me thinking what I am doing wrong, or what that person is doing that is working so well. But the thing is that, if you are doing your best, you don’t have to think about that. Take pride in what you are doing.

I hope a lot of you will be able to relate to these points and incorporate some in your blog schedule as well, if you are like me and trying to get you blog back on track.

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