Happy thanksgiving week guys!! It is such a wonderful time of the year with thanksgiving and getting to see your friends and families and then…
I am beyond excited today because I am going on a 10-day staycation on Friday! I will also be celebrating my birthday during this time, so you know what half of my excitement is about :D
I am also 15 weeks into my pregnancy, which is crazy think about but May 2020 feels like it's so far still! I wanted to share my pregnancy first trimester update with you. Honestly, it wasn’t that great 3 moths for me. I was nauseous all day, every day; nothing tasted good and I just didn’t to eat anything.
On days when it's cold and dreary outside, I love my colorful sweaters to bring some color and life to the otherwise gloomy day. So, today I am sharing 10 sweaters that are in my cart right now to brighten those days!
As soon as November starts, I get so excited for all the holidays and the delicious food and my birthday celebrations! Did you know, last year my birthday was on the same day as Thanksgiving? :D In any case, it’s a great time of the year- lots of food, getting dressed up and meeting with your friends and family. Today I’m sharing what I’m going to be wearing this year on Thanksgiving and also 7 casual outfit ideas that are perfect for all the food you’re going to eat.
Can you believe that only 2 months are left in 2020?! It feels like we just celebrated new years! This year has honestly flown by SO Quickly! But, I am excited for November because it’s my birthday month and then I am very much looking forward to 2020 because every year brings something new with it :)
Hi! I'm Swati Singh. The voice behind this blog and I am so glad you stopped by!