My Acne Clearing Regimen

acne products | skincare | acne skincare


My skin is something that I struggle with a lot. It was perfect until high school but once I started going to college, it just got bad. I started getting acne on my face and when it healed, it left marks and blemishes. For the longest time, this is something that I have been very conscious about. Whenever someone talked to me, it felt like they were not looking at me but those acne.

With time, I have gotten better and accepted my skin the way it is. But I have also been on a life-long search for products that work with my skin and my acne. I know, the products that I am going to mention below, might or might not work for you, but these are the ones that I keep in my arsenal all the time because THEY WORK.

  1. Clinique Acne fighting gel- This is the newest product in my acne arsenal. My hairdresser told me about it when I had a giant pimple on my cheek. She said it works amazing and when she used it, the pimple just disappeared overnight. I had to get that, at least to see for myself. Now, it didn’t work that magically for me, but it did make it small and less red and painful, which is still a big plus. It has salicylic acid in it which is known to be helpful in treating acne.
  2. Mario Badescu clearing lotion- This is such a potent little product, oh my god! I use it when the acne is coming to a head, but not really. This thing fries out the acne and makes it come to head really fast, so I can move on to the next step.
  3. Acne clearing patch- These are probably the greatest invention when it comes to acne clearing products. I put it on overnight and when I take it out in the morning, the whole gunk out of the pimple come out, which then goes on to heal normally. But, I must say, it works best if the acne has come to head and is ready to pop. Instead of actually popping it, I put this on.

Now, I want to know if you suffer from acne, yes or no? and if you do, what are your favorite products that help with it?

Hi! I'm Swati Singh. The voice behind this blog and I am so glad you stopped by!

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